Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day 0


I'm just writing this so there's somewhere I can mount it and view it visually. View it visually, huh. How else can you view something though. Anyways, Welcome to Get Fit Or Die Trying. My name is paul. I'm a 20 year old male living in Singapore. Hold on, the interesting part is about to happen. Well, not really INTERESTING interesting. Nothing that might make you go WOMG!(Wow plus omg) THAT'S SO AWESOME! Mildly interesting, like a random tv show that catches your eye. Well, anyways, I'm your run of the mill average guy. Sort of. I'm studying in an Australian university based in Singapore and am doing my thang in psychology. Which is ironic. I'm about 1.80 meters tall and weigh 84.2 kg. That's overweight in my country of small people. I'm not particularly DISTRAUGHT about my body, nor am i JUMPING OFF THE CEILING happy either. I have skinny arms like a scarecrow and I have never been able to do a proper push up. EVER.

I've always been a fat-ish kid. I was huge back in the day, and yes, I got most of the namecalling. Not particularly pleasant though. I dunno what it is, maybe the media with their stupid male models have finally got to me, or maybe it's the fact that I'm determined in my schoolwork, and hope against hope that it might transfer into my little lifestyle reshuffle. You see, I want to start working out. I hardly know how, and I, like most of you, love my food and alcohol. I LOVE BEER. You cannot believe how much. It's my thing. It just is. But, I decided, that doing something rather than nothing has got to have an effect. Somehow. May this whole thing blossom into a lame gym membership and my penultimate increase in the way I feel about myself. The ultimate point is of course, a healthy existence, to be there for the people I love.

It's 11:12 am on a Sunday, and I hate fitness. But I'm going to give this shit a try anyways. This is day zero, and I am going for a jog/run thing.